EVL Athlete |
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I am a recent Stage 4 Cancer Survivor who beat cancer less than a year ago.
During my battle with cancer, I made the commitment to workout even during chemotherapy treatment and various invasive surgeries. Throughout my whole battle, I never missed one workout and I strongly credit EVL for helping me achieve this as I felt their products gave me the extra push I needed. I am now prepping to obtain my pro-card in June in Classic Physique. My goal is to inspire people and show them that they can bounce back from anything in life and still be their absolute best.
The list is long!! But if I could narrow it down to 3 products it would be Recover Mode, EVL Test, and Omega 3 Fish Oil. These 3 products were actually the first 3 supplements I tried from EVL when I was competing in my 1st classic physique competition. I needed a good testosterone booster, recovery supplement, and fish oil for my contest prep, and was really amazed at how well they worked during my preparation!
I absolutely LOVE bench pressing (in any variation) and I have a love/hate relationship with squats lol. There’s just something about squatting til you can’t anymore that builds character and makes you better.
Beating stage 4 cancer in less than a year while never missing a workout.
Everything. My goals. My legacy. My family and loved ones. The people who are fighting for their lives just like I did a few months ago. Literally everything.
Sweet potato fries in particularly ;) And for dessert, I LOVE CHOCOLATE!